Sunday, August 7, 2011

Songs stuck in my head all summer.

I finally got an Ipod, (I'm catchin up on technology, 21 years of being amish has it's benefits, but I'm coming around). And lately I've been listening to a lot of music. Here's some that explain how I've felt a lot this crazy-roller-coaster of a summer.

The music video for this one is kinda goofy, but it's actually still hecka good!

This is a sweet song PLUS it's michael jordan!

And I can't deny my "nerdiness" with film music. It can create such a personal expression that lyrics can't.

Anyways, that's it! Good ol Music!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

1.5 weeks!

1.5 Weeks til family is all together in our most prized happiest places on earth!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Notes from 4 am

This summer I've been working two jobs. (Note: not careers, but not necessarily ashamed of them... but not careers). One is at the Sizzler Restaurant in Provo where I work with my older brother and many other cool people. The other job is fairly more recent. I work at the Talmage building doing the ever-so-pleasant life of custodial work.  Not careers.

In both my jobs, I find it interesting that there are a lot of funny, interesting, absurd, and quite unnatural things that happen.... sometimes on a day to day basis. I've been working on a journal lately but have found that some of these things involve some friends and need to be told for reasons of laughter and enjoyment for me and you. My sister Lindsey has an awesome blog, and has recommended making something similar. She tells me that it's good for me and is another way to express myself. That sounds good and all but I've always found that writing down stories down on the internet has usually been a "girl thing". For kicks, I'm gonna find as many blogs/writing things like this that are written by friends that I know.

I found one other guy. haha. And 12 girls. My odds are good!

Anyway I saw these "notes" button, and never knew what the heck they were for. I'll test it out. First story: "Gang fight" I walk to my custodial job at 4:30 in the morning every week day. During those early mornings it's a nice time to just think. It's nice to have some pure silence and reflect on stuff, lately I've been thinking alot about priorities, life, my bed (let's be honest, I'm still hecka tired), and let's be honest again; a future wife one day (it's what us 22 year olds do). So thinking and listening.  There's not alot to listen to though. There is literally silence everywhere. And walking up and around campus is somewhat of a  cryptic experience. There's no one. Maybe one or two other persons dreading to go up to clean a building but that's it. And has anyone ever noticed, that, when you take a setting, like the school courtyard, during the day, it feels much bigger than when you're walking through it alone. I think a chapel has the same feel. When you're the only one there, it feels a lot smaller. I don't know, I'm probably just weird.  Anywho, besides the distant sprinklers doing their thing, there's one other sound that I can usually pick up. A bunch of annoying persistant "meows". At 4:36 there is always a bunch of cats in between the Wilk and the Library. Every morning I've seen these pesky cats. My guess is that they're planning to take over either one of those buildings one day. One day, they'll strike methinks.  The real interesting part of these cats is that they're either racists or just plain haters. Because there is two groups of them. Literally, there are 5 cats on one side of the court and about 3-4 on the other.Every day. I nicknamed them the "sharks and jets". And yesterday they had a gang fight. No lie. I walked up and heard that common "mad-MEOW" and saw one attacking another one. And the other gang-cat-members chillin behind each of their fellow-homies. It was rad. I wish I could have taken a picture and would have sent it to National Geographic.... or MAD magazine or something. 

 Funny story from Sizzler. This is more of a realization I've made. Americans do not understand basic mathematics. Nope. Nopeitty-nope! We have a 1/3 and a 1/2 lbs. burger. they're not super popular, but they're up there for the casual diner nonetheless. Whenever someone says they want, "a burger" I ask if they want the "half-pound" or the "third-pound." 


The reaction is priceless, and I look forward to these fine answers. THEY will look at ME, with some confused dumb look acting like I'm completely inept, and 80% of the time, they will either say, ".... which.... which one is smaller?"  EIGHTY PERCENT. I've kept a tally. It's funny. Answer:1/2>1/3. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

now... what do i do again?

This is a blog. I'm to write my feelings here, and make whitty remarks, I will do that in the near future. Now to "publish post" to see if it works.